It sounds pretty obvious and it is! Once we explain, you'll start to be able to notice it in yourself and others. It all starts at the top of your body with head/neck misalignment. Did you know that your head weighs 8-14 lbs? Now, tilt your head to one side. How does that feel? Heavy, right! And strains your neck too! Probably not how you'd like to carry it all day. Am I right? But that's exactly how 90% of people are walking around and most don't even know it, until someone points it out. And by the way, this is NOT normal. Head tilt is the first sign of Body Imbalance.
Now, if you think your body doesn't like this, you are absolutely right! Our bodies are equipped with this really cool thing called the "Righting Reflex", which aims to keep your eyes level on the horizon at all times. It sounds simple enough, but it is a very powerful survival reflex, without it the body would be under dire stress. This brings us to the second sign of Body Imbalance. In order to keep your eyes level with your head tilted, your body will drop one shoulder, then a hip which in turn pulls up one leg causing it to appear shorter. However, your eyes are now level. What about the rest of the body? Doesn't that increase the strain on the shoulders, mid-back, low back, hips, knees and feet. YES!! You are now totally "crooked". This is called Body Imbalance. Does the amount of tilt matter? No, there are varying degrees of tilt and each person presents with tilts that may be more or less than another person. It is very individualized. For example, someone with a half inch head tilt might not have a lot of symptoms but someone with a quarter of an inch head tilt may have a lot. The important thing to know is that regardless of the amount of tilt or symptoms there is still Body Imbalance.
Do you think this affects your organs and other body systems? Of course it does! Head/neck misalignment has now altered the path of all the nerves that feed your organs and body systems. This includes your heart and circulatory system, your lungs and respiratory system, your liver, kidneys and waste elimination, your digestive and immune systems. It causes your body to use up a lot of valuable energy trying to keep you balanced inside and out, making you more susceptible to illnesses.
As I mentioned, Body Imbalance, starts at the top with the initial head/neck misalignment. How does this occur? It can start from birth, falls while learning to walk, playing sports, other falls, hitting your head, sleeping positions, car accidents among many others. It can also occur from repetitive movements or not moving as much as you should (sitting a lot at work, in car or at home). It can also occur because of emotional stressors you deal with daily including financial, family, work, etc… Chemical stressors can also be a cause. These may include poor diet, toxic household cleaners, etc…
How does it get corrected? An Upper Cervical Doctor is the only health professional trained to detect and correct this. The natural result of correcting the head/neck misalignment is
BODY BALANCE inside and out. This is why more than 100 conditions have responded to and were corrected with specific Upper Cervical Care.
Now that you're better informed about Body Imbalance, see if you can see it in yourself and others. When you do, please send them in so we can run the necessary exams to find out if they truly have a head/neck misalignment causing Body Imbalance.
Hope you all are staying safe and warm! See you when the snow clears!
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